
Telehealth JS Library

JS library that is used for video calls with additional streaming capabilities.



To load Telehealth library in your web page, add the following script tag:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Now Telehealth class is available on window global object.


To start using library, you need to create instance of Telehealth with parameters:

const lib = new Telehealth({ 
    root: '#app',
    groupId: 'unique-meeting-identifier', 
    displayName: 'John Doe', 
    tenantInfo: {
        name: 'TENANT_NAME',
        authKey: 'TENANT_AUTH_KEY'
}, { // Feature flags
    isPinOn: true,
    isHealthPlanOn: true,
    isShareExerciseOn: true,
    isHangUpOn: false,
    spinnerMessage: ''
}, { // Custom callback handlers
    customEndCallHandler: () => { /* some actions */ }

TENANT_NAME and TENANT_AUTH_KEY is given during registration


Library events and methods

Telehealth exposes events and methods, that can be used to interact with library

const lib = new Telehealth({ ... });

// Events

lib.on('onCallStarted', () => {
  // triggered after use connected to call

lib.on('onCallEnded', () => {
  // triggered after user ended call

lib.on('onError', errorDetails => {
  // When error while connecting to calling services occurs:
  // errorDetails: { reason: string; message: string; exception: any; }

lib.on('onCallTimerTick', callDuration => {
  // triggered every second during the call with the duration info:
  // callDuration: { hours: number; minutes: number; seconds: number; }

// Unsubscribing from event'onCallStarted', callStartedHandler);

// Methods

lib.emit('endCall'); // start graceful end call process

Admin view

By default, library starts with participant role view if no role defined. Admin role has more features that Participant role.

To specify admin role, add parameter in Telehealth initialization:

const lib = new Telehealth({ 
    root: '#app',
    groupId: 'unique-meeting-identifier', 
    // Specify role
    role: 'admin', // default is 'participant'
    displayName: 'John Doe', 
    tenantInfo: { name: 'TENANT_NAME', authKey: 'TENANT_AUTH_KEY' }

Features control

Some features of library can be turned on or off. Library has these feature flags:

Feature flagDefaultNote
isPinOnfalseTurns on or off the possibility to pin video to top on scrolling page
isHealthPlanOnfalseTurns on or off the health plan button
isShareExerciseOnfalseTurns on or off the share exercise functionality
isHangUpOntrueHides or shows the hangUp button
spinnerMessage''Shows the message near the spinner

To turn them on or off, add respective flag to Telehealth initialization:

const lib = new Telehealth({ 
    root: '#app',
    groupId: 'unique-meeting-identifier', 
    // Specify role
    role: 'admin', // default is 'participant'
    displayName: 'John Doe', 
    tenantInfo: { name: 'TENANT_NAME', authKey: 'TENANT_AUTH_KEY' }
}, {
    isPinOn: true,
    isShareExerciseOn: true

Open/close health plan

const lib = new Telehealth({ 
    role: 'admin',
lib.on('onOpenHealthPlan', () => {
    // Start showing users health plan popup
    alert("Show health plan for user.")

    // This should be called after stop showing health plan

Toggle fullscreen handler

const lib = new Telehealth({ 
    role: 'admin',

lib.on('onToggleFullscreen', (isFullscreen) => {
    // Check if in fullscreen mode"Is fullscreen ", isFullscreen);

Toggle pin handler

const lib = new Telehealth({ 
    role: 'admin',
}, {
    isPinOn: true

lib.on('onTogglePin', (inPinned) => {
    // Check if in pinned mode"Is pinned ", inPinned);

Share exercise feature

Share custom video as a stream to other participants in the call.

const lib = new Telehealth({ 
    role: 'admin',

lib.on('onOpenExerciseSelection', () => {
    // Start selecting video for streaming:
    const defaultVideo = '';
    const video = prompt('Start share video under url', defaultVideo);
    if (video) {
        // Start sharing video. 
        // Required parameters { url: string, name: string; }
        lib.emit('startShareVideo', { url: video, name: 'Exercise video' });
    } else {
        // Cancel selecting video process / Stop video sharing

Best practices for serving videos:

Library destroy

Library could be disposed in graceful way using one of the following methods:

Content security policy (CSP) settings

The minimal policy required for using Telehealth is:

default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data:; font-src 'self' data:; connect-src 'self' * * * * * * wss://* wss://*


For more features, follow demo page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script type="module" src=""></script>
      #app {
        width: 1072px;
        height: 476px;

    <div id="app"></div>

        const lib = new Telehealth({ 
            root: '#app',
            groupId: 'unique-meeting-identifier', 
            role: '', 
            displayName: 'John Doe', 
            tenantInfo: {
                name: 'TENANT_NAME',
                authKey: 'TENANT_AUTH_KEY'